Understanding The Courtroom Process

What Happens When You Get Arrested For A DUI? The Process You Will Face

If you have made the decision to get behind the wheel after a night out of drinking, you just might find yourself getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). A police officer will pull you over if it appears that you have been driving erratically, or they may pull you over for some other reason such as a headlight being out on your car. Here is what you can expect in pretty much every state if you are pulled over and the officer suspects you have been drinking. Read More 

Can You Sue If You’re Attacked In Jail?

Jail is designed so that nobody likes going there. However, the Constitution still prohibits cruel and unusual punishments, and people who are being held on criminal charges do not forfeit basic human rights. While TV and movies like to play up jail violence, this is not something that's acceptable in real life. Here are your legal rights to be free from violence while you're being held in jail. Can a Jail Sanction Violence? Read More 

When Can You Be Charged With Obstruction Of Justice?

You obstruct justice if you engage in an act that interferes with an ongoing prosecution or investigation of a criminal suspect. Many people take it to mean refusing to provide information on a criminal investigation, but that is only one example. Many other things can constitute an obstruction of justice. Here are three examples to make the charge clearer: Warning the Subject of an Ongoing Investigation Warning a person that the authorities are investigating them can constitute an obstruction of justice. Read More 

What To Do If You Find Out There’s A Warrant For Your Arrest

There are a number of ways a warrant might be issued for your arrest, and you might not even know about it at first. You might have an unpaid traffic ticket, you might have left an altercation only to have the police arrive and issue a warrant based on what the other person said, or you might actually know that you are wanted as a suspect in a crime. If you think there might be a warrant out for your arrest, here's what to do. Read More 

Charged With Drug Possession: Do You Have Any Legal Defenses At Your Disposal?

The police didn't catch you actually consuming drugs, nor did the authorities catch you dealing them, but you were found with  drugs on your person. This is criminally known as drug possession. Unfortunately, it is a serious crime that could land you time in jail, paying hefty fines, on probation for months and problems in the future finding steady employment. As with any type of crime, you do have legal options available to you. Read More